- Meet Bill Gates, the Man Who Changed Open Source Software [wired.com]
- Video Tutorials of Everything [networkingprogramming.com]
- After ‘The Wire’ ended, actress Sonja Sohn couldn’t leave Baltimore’s troubled streets behind [washingtonpost.com]
- The Great Disk Drive in the Sky: How Web giants store big—and we mean big—data [arstechnica.com]
- Remembering the "long distance warrior" who took down Ma Bell [arstechnica.com]
- As Anonymous protests, Internet drowns in inaccurate anti-ACTA arguments [arstechnica.com]
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Good Technology Articles (and others)
It’s been quite a little while since I did this, but the number of links I have open in Opera is starting to get large enough I think there’s something wrong with me. So, with that, have some more interesting links relating in some way to technology!