Well I do apologize for my blog for being down. The server it was on was being moved physically to a new location, so it needed time for relocation. Though I doubt many people actually bother to follow my sea of links, anyway :-P
“Vote the Humans Out” – Hank for Congress has a new campaign ad out
“Aurora” – a song “dedicated to those who lost their lives and were affected by the tragedy in Aurora, Colorado,” recorded by Hans Zimmer
The Aurora shooting, while tragic, was also a way for the area ER departments to make use of their mass trauma practice and training
Technology just keeps evolving, and it’s becoming evermore part of our daily lives. ArsTechnica gives us a review of 35 years of personal computers. At the same time, there’s a profile of 30 years of the Commodore 64.
In older news, a power blackout in India cut power to approximately 600 million people in several states. Power was restored a day or two later, the FBI goes digital, Microsoft released a new Email service, and cats still love lasers.
And finally, a poetic look at exploration.