A few days ago, a contest to get a Taylor Swift concert at your high school was announced, and the contest is already quite skewed. The rules of the contest allow for web voting and for texting from Verizon phones (Verizon is the sponsor of the contest, so obviously they’re not going to allow texting from phones other than theirs). Shortly after the contest started, the web voting crashed and even legitimate votes haven’t been counted. A student I know emailed one of the administrators of the contest, who said that the web voting would probably be back up sometime tomorrow or Tuesday. This is unfair to the public schools, as the students attending them are probably in a lower financial bracket than those going to private schools (of which the top three schools in this contest are), and thus are less likely to have unlimited texting to win the contest.
Texting prices are a whole different story. There are plenty of complaints elsewhere on the Internet, so I will not touch on them today.