So I guess I decided to post again. I got Windows Live Writer set up for Drupal, and it was a fairly (very) simple process. Directions on how to set it up are available here: Windows Live Writer and Drupal 6: Client Configuration. Windows Live Writer seems to be a fairly extensible program, with plenty of options for inserting media, saving, adding in tables (oh yes, I always want to add in tables), and so forth. I figure I’ll try this out for a bit (and who knows, it might cause me to start blogging) and report how it works out a month or two down the road.
I originally discovered this software a few months back when I poked around for the things they had around there. For Microsoft in the online world, it’s a start, but they have a while to go to get people to switch to it. One neat feature is the SkyDrive, though it lacks a “drive” feature in Windows which would make it actually useable. There’s no way I’m going to upload individual files or folders to the web interface to back them up…just no…