Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Communication in Work Environments

This blog post is for week 4 of RIT’s Human Communication course.

As I have found out even more extensively these past couple weeks, communication in workplace environments is just as important as with those you live with. I recently started working in a customer-service IT environment, where our team receives tickets about computer and network problems that clients are experiencing. Communication is one of the most important things to be able to do (after fixing computers), since the tickets that we receive have already gone through a third party. Once we receive them, an analysis and break-down of the contents must be done in order to procure any questions or comments which we may have about the user’s problem(s). After that, a prompt response to the client would be in order, to see if we would be able to help over the phone, which would require clear verbal communication in order for the person on the other end of the line to understand the technical support person.

Communication between co-workers and clients is very different in some of these respects. When talking to the user with the computer problems, the communication (most likely) has to be very formal and easy to follow, as one may be issuing directions over the phone for the other person. However, when communicating with co-workers you can be relaxed, say things on your mind, and in general be more laid-back than with the person you’re helping. It’s important to customer service representatives to be able to differentiate between these two times, and make the right decisions for the language to use in the situation. Delays and hiccups in this process can create strain and stress, and ultimately costs the organization money.
